
Crash Cushion Buy, Sell, Trade or Rent


Crash Cushion Attenuators Available to Buy, Sell or Rent Here

“Please find a home for these crash cushions. They just sit, taking up space. They’ve never been hit.”

That’s a paraphrased recent request from an industry leader. Too often, un-used Traffic Control Equipment will sit for years. Items such as TMAs (Truck Mounted Attenuators), Crash Cushions, Attenuators and barricades will remain unused for long periods of time. When equipment such as crash cushions are only gathering dust, they bear no fruit for owners. When the gentleman mentioned above found that Traffic Circle could post his surplus Traffic Control equipment, he asked for quick help. His un-used crash cushions were simply sitting in the yard, taking up profit — and precious space. A few months later, his wish was granted…