
Glare Gaard Anti-Glare / Glare Screen System Needed


Glare Gaard Anti-Glare / Glare Screen System Needed

Glare Gaard Anti-Glare/Glare Screen System Needed. We have a strong Need for Glare Gaard Glare Screen. If you have surplus material, please reach out. We could use a truckload or more of this material. We’ve been able to satisfy huge to demands and significant surplus of excellent quality glare screen jobs.

Surplus Glare Gaard Glare Screen Wanted

The Glare Gaard system claims improvement in night visibility where drivers might would otherwise be distracted by cars or other light sources from opposing traffic and lanes. Glare screen installations lead to a remarkable reduction

Anti-glare systems are generally recommendable in all places where drivers would need to be protected from distracting lights. Glare screen systems are often installed in the these areas:

  • In the median of streets and motorways with several lanes
  • On  roads with heavy nocturnal vehicle traffic.
  • Between parallel or approaching roads, when traffic runs in opposite directions
  • In long curves
  • On bridges
  • Near buildings which reflect traffic headlights toward roadways